Sunday, November 25, 2012

How to Create Text Running (marquee) in Blog

How to Create Text Running (marquee) in Blog
How to create text running (marquee) in the title of the blog post this time. For those of you who do not know or have never seen a running text , Please see below ..
How to Create Text Running (marquee) in Blog
Interesting is not it? Okay .. In this post Tutor Blogger will explain How to create running text (marquee) in the blog, but previously to you who would like to see my previous post from Tutor Blogger please go to ( ) .. Well, for How to Create Text Running (marquee) in the blog was very easy, because only a simple HTML code, it will create a script running. HTML code to create it runs it is known by Marquee command. Code marquee basic commands is as follows :

<marquee> Posts here will run </marquee>

In addition to the basic code marquee above, there are also other commands, which serves as an attribute that is inserted to regulate the display of beauty writing running. Attribute that has been used in the marquee code include:

  • bgcolor = "color" »To set the background color (background) text
  • direction = "left / right / up / down" »Set the text direction of movement
  • behavior = "scroll / slide / alternate" »To set the movement behavior
  • Scroll » rotating moving text
  • Slide » text move once and then stop
  • Alternate » text moves from left to right and then back again (back and forth bo)
  • title = "message" »A message appears when the mouse is over the text
  • scrollmount = "number" »geraka set the speed, the greater the number the faster the movement.
  • scrolldelay = "number" »To set the delay time in milli seconds movement
  • loop = "number | -1 | infinite" »Set the number of loop
  • width = "width" »Set the text block width in pixels or percent
The following is an example of How to Create Text Running (marquee) on the blog that has been decorated with the attribute and added a simple javascript, such as onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" . With the javascript code, this paper will immediately stop running when the computer mouse pointer visitors of our blog posts leading to a running, and will running back when the mouse pointer is moved to another place :
please point here
and this code :

leaving you to edit his own text with their creativity in order to create a beautiful text running ...
Hopefully this post Text How to Create Running (marquee) in this blog,
and GOOD TRY...