Monday, December 3, 2012

Aphorisms of Encouragement Saying Good Morning

In this post, Tutor Blogger will share some Aphorisms of Encouragement Saying Good Morning obtained from various sources ...

advice from me, please give one of the aphorisms below, to a lover, friend, parent, and someone else...

these are words of wisdom :

sheen up on the eastern horizon
promising a million wishes
Gently move the original point
made the earth seedlings expectations
good morning
may today be your day

drizzle swept sunlight
warm in his arms spread
for love is simple
selfless love and be loved
congratulations activity

dew drops last fall slowly
greet the dawn as foliage
small world up slowly
welcome up today
Good morning and thanks on this friendship

welcome the morning sun smiles
with a happy heart
full of joy and with
spirit of reaching goals
congratulations activity
I hope today is fun

the rest of the night shadows full moon sinking
when the outlook was still smiling
eastern horizon promises hope
longs to spread peace reap
good morning
congratulations activity

a request without a reason
a word yes, even confusing
I hope the news is coming fast
friendship hopefully pave the way
humming as removing dark night
the stars seemed to accompany a smile
survived the weekend, friends
peace in the hearts into it
morning sun greeted friendly
the birds chirp opening day
good morning
congratulations activity
hope today is better than yesterday
I am with you always
line of said
piece of longing
carried away in the arms of the wind
cold in the cool breezy
good morning and
thank God today

I woke again ..
welcomed the warmth of the sun ..
splashing dew that fell reminded me of you, ..
I would be very sorry if you do not ucapakan,.
good morning my love,.
my prayers will always keep your day2,.
Good morning dear
That's what I wanted to say to you every morning

He wanted to tell all of my dreams last night.
And I also wanted to ask what you dream last night
Are you sweet dreams?
Is there me in it?
Do you love me?
You pobud present in every dream
I wish I could share all this wonderful dream with you.
Honey, I want you to always be present in a dream and my life.
And all because of one
Because "I Love You"
Birdsong was awakened nature is fallen ..
splash gentle dew dripping from the top of the leaves ..
sunshine glanced shy and friendly hello world ..
cool dew in the morning,,
beautiful touching poem,,
Boisterous birds singing,,
Along with her came the sun, I say:
"Good Morning"

"When I sleep I can feel your love ... and when I woke up I feel your love,,, and that's what makes everything beautiful ... good morning my dear .."

Greet the morning with a smile broke. Savor the beauty of the sun with a beautiful sheen. Or enjoy a soothing soul dew. As with anything you come, I remain hopeful brilliant.

no bright light except sunlight, and there was no word that came out besides good morning love ..

Morning is a wonderful blessing. No matter sunny or cloudy. Because the morning was beginning to start something called LIFE. Good morning!

Good morning.
Morning is the time
Every morning convey said
Use me to get started
step begins today
and use today
with the best
because today tomorrow
will leave us
and replaced with a new day

sun tries to rise to enlightening day
accompany your morning
for the foot step
activity towards mu
good morning survived activity

At the moment you open your eyes I want happiness to come,
Greet the morning sun with your sweet smile,
good morning my dear
Hope your day is full of beauty

a million characters in the mystery
gently unfold
peeling naive
promised misses
good morning, good activity

when dawn chase up
shadows back into hiding
Faith ran the
look for shadows
safe working
I came here

It is Aphorisms of Encouragement Saying Good Morning ...
may be useful...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Protect Artikel Blog ( Disable Copy Paste)

Disable copy paste

On this time blogger tutorial, Tutor Blogger will provide a way to Protect Articles Blog (Disable Copy Paste) by removing the function selection / highlight on the blog article.

If you eliminate the selection / highlight the article, automatically if anyone wants to copy and paste our articles, it will have trouble.

How to Protect Articles Blog (Disable Copy Paste) it's very easy, just by adding a javascript code. Well, just follow the steps below:
  • Go to
  • On Drop Down Menu, select Layout
  • Then click Add a gadget ---> HTML/JavaScript
  • Copy Paste the following code in the field provided :

  • Completed
That way, your article will be safe from those who like copy paste ..
Hopefully useful ...

How to Make Case (Drop Cap) in Early Post Blogspot

How to Make Case (Drop Cap) in Early Post Blogspot
Drop caps is the case that its size may be 10 times that of ordinary letters placed at the beginning of the article. In this post Tutor Blogger will explain How to Make a Case (Drop Cap) in Early Post,
please follow the steps below :
  1. Login to blogger.
  2. Jump to Template.
  3. Edit HTML.
  4. find this code ]]></b:skin>
  5. Enter the code below, above ]]></b:skin>
  6. Click Save Template / Save.
  7. To apply How to Make Case Sensitive (Drop Cap) in Early Post this in every post, you must pass the Edit HTML, not by editing the HTML on your template but when I want to edit the HTML to make new posts. Type in this code first <span class="awal"> the initial letter </span>
  8. Initial letter word, replace it with the letter you are going to your first post. For example : <span class="awal"> D </ span>

Hopefully How to Make Case (Drop Cap) in Early Post
helpful, and GOOD TRY ...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

How to Create Text Running (marquee) in Blog

How to Create Text Running (marquee) in Blog
How to create text running (marquee) in the title of the blog post this time. For those of you who do not know or have never seen a running text , Please see below ..
How to Create Text Running (marquee) in Blog
Interesting is not it? Okay .. In this post Tutor Blogger will explain How to create running text (marquee) in the blog, but previously to you who would like to see my previous post from Tutor Blogger please go to ( ) .. Well, for How to Create Text Running (marquee) in the blog was very easy, because only a simple HTML code, it will create a script running. HTML code to create it runs it is known by Marquee command. Code marquee basic commands is as follows :

<marquee> Posts here will run </marquee>

In addition to the basic code marquee above, there are also other commands, which serves as an attribute that is inserted to regulate the display of beauty writing running. Attribute that has been used in the marquee code include:

  • bgcolor = "color" »To set the background color (background) text
  • direction = "left / right / up / down" »Set the text direction of movement
  • behavior = "scroll / slide / alternate" »To set the movement behavior
  • Scroll » rotating moving text
  • Slide » text move once and then stop
  • Alternate » text moves from left to right and then back again (back and forth bo)
  • title = "message" »A message appears when the mouse is over the text
  • scrollmount = "number" »geraka set the speed, the greater the number the faster the movement.
  • scrolldelay = "number" »To set the delay time in milli seconds movement
  • loop = "number | -1 | infinite" »Set the number of loop
  • width = "width" »Set the text block width in pixels or percent
The following is an example of How to Create Text Running (marquee) on the blog that has been decorated with the attribute and added a simple javascript, such as onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()" . With the javascript code, this paper will immediately stop running when the computer mouse pointer visitors of our blog posts leading to a running, and will running back when the mouse pointer is moved to another place :
please point here
and this code :

leaving you to edit his own text with their creativity in order to create a beautiful text running ...
Hopefully this post Text How to Create Running (marquee) in this blog,
and GOOD TRY...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Cara Mudah Menggabungkan Komentar Facebook dan Komentar Blogger

Cara Mudah Menggabungkan Komentar Facebook dan Komentar Blogger
Cara Mudah Menggabungkan Komentar Facebook dan Komentar Blogger merupakan tutorial Blogger yang akan Tutor Blogger jelaskan kali ini. Yang artinya kita hanya memerlukan satu kolom komentar
saja untuk menempatkan dua komentar sekaligus yaitu komentar facebook dan komentar blogger.

Trik ini sangat berguna, sebagai contoh untuk template yang sudah terlalu penuh dengan widget, penempatan kolom komentar facebook dan komentar blog menjadi satu bisa menjadi solusi. Selain itu pengunjung bisa bebas memilih apakah mereka ingin berkomentar menggunakan akun google atau akun facebook.

Baiklah silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini :
  1. Masuk ke Blogger, pilih blog yang ingin Anda edit. Untuk keamanan bila terjadi kesalahan edit, buat tempalte cadangan dengan mengklik "cadangkan/pulihkan", simpan file template cadangan tersebut.
  2. Kemudian klik Template -- Edit HTML -- Lanjutkan -- Centang kotak kecil "Expand Templates Widget ".
  3. Cari kode di bawah ini :

  4. jika terdapat dua kode, pilih saja yang pertama !!
  5. Kemudian masukkan kode berikut ini dibawah kode tersebut :
    Catatan :
    - width='400' dapat disesuaikan dengan lebar halaman artikel blog Anda.
    - Untuk menambah efek scroll pada kolom komentar Anda bisa mengganti kode:
    <div class="comments-page" id="fb-comments-page">
    dengan kode: <div class="comments-page" id="fb-comments-page" style="max-height: 230px; overflow: auto;">
    Tetapi jika tidak ingin menambah scroll, silahkan di abaikan saja.
  6. Selanjutnya cari kode: </head> lalu letakkan kode dibawah ini diatasnya.
    Catatan : 
    Ganti tulisan ( MASUKKAN ID FACEBOOK ANDA ) dengan ID Facebook Anda.
  7. Kemudian untuk berikutnya cari kode: /* Comment atau kode: #comments , bila tidak menemukan kode tersebut, Anda bisa sesuaikan dengan kode yang ada di template Anda. Cari saja kode yang semirip mungkin. Setelah menemukan kode tersebut, masukkan kode berikut ini dibawahnya.

  8. Sebelum disimpan, Anda bisa klik Pratinjau dulu untuk memastikan tidak terjadi kesalahan edit. Setelah tidak ada masalah, kilk save / simpan template. Lihat artikel Anda yang sudah berisi komentar, atau Anda bisa uji coba membuat komentar dengan akun blog dan akun facebook untuk melihat hasilnya.
Langkah-langkah untuk Cara Mudah Menggabungkan Komentar Facebook dan Komentar Blogger telah selesai.
Semoga Bermanfaat...

Friday, November 9, 2012

Cara Pasang Iklan di Bawah Judul Postingan Blogspot

Cara Pasang Iklan di Bawah Judul Postingan Blogspot
Cara Pasang Iklan di Bawah Judul Postingan Blogspot. Pada tutorial Blogger kali ini, Tutor Blogger akan menjelaskan sebuah Cara Pasang Iklan di Bawah Judul Postingan Blogspot dengan sangat mudah. Iklan yang dimaksud adalah iklan PPC (pay per click) seperti Google Adsense, AdsenseCamp, KlikSaya, dan sebagainya.
Penempatan iklan yang tepat sangat berpengaruh terhadap klik yang didapatkan agar penghasilan dari bisnis PPC bisa lebih besar. Tutor Blogger akan memberikan tips Cara Pasang Iklan di Bawah Judul Postingan Blogspot, yang jika pada saat pengunjung mengklik Read More yang ditempatkan di bawah judul posting, maka iklan hanya akan terlihat pada saat membuka keseluruhan artikel dan pada bagian home page iklan tidak akan di tampilkan pada posting sehingga home page blog anda akan terlihat rapih. Berikut langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan untuk Cara Pasang Iklan di Bawah Judul Postingan Blogspot :
  1. Masuk pada Account Blogger Anda
  2. Menuju ke "Rancangan" kemudian pilih "Edit Html"
  3. Centang kotak "Expand Template Widget"
  4. Cari kode ini :
  5. Kemudian letakkan kode dibawah ini persis di bawah kode tersebut :
    Kode ini berfungsi untuk menampilkan iklan/widget pada saat anda mengklik Read More / Selanjutnya.
  6. Sisipkan kode iklan anda diantara kode diatas, contohnya :
  7. <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><br/><br/><em>

    Kode Iklan Anda

Simpan Template..

Keterangan : 
Jangan lupa, kode iklan yang di masukkan tersebut merupakan kode iklan yang harus sudah di "PARSE". Untuk mem-PARSE kode, anda bisa kunjungi ( ) dan masukkan kode iklan yang anda ingin parse, kemudian pilih "Encode" .

Langkah-langkah untuk Cara Pasang Iklan di Bawah Judul Postingan Blogspot telah selesai.
Semoga Bermanfaat.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Pasang Sitemap di Webmaster Tools Google Untuk SEO

Pasang Sitemap di Webmaster Tools Google Untuk SEO
Google Webmaster Tools adalah alat yang disediakan oleh Google untuk para Webmaster (pemilik website). Alat ini membantu agar website atau blog anda bisa terpantau dengan maksimal oleh Google,
dan di sisi lain memberi laporan yang mendetail tentang blog anda.
Sangat dianjurkan untuk mendaftarkan blog anda di Google Webmaster Tools. Pada postingan kali ini, Tutor Blogger akan menjelaskan cara Pasang Sitemap di Webmaster Tools Google Untuk SEO. Hal ini harus dilakukan agar blog anda lebih cepat terindex (setiap artikel baru bisa dapat terindex dalam hitungan kurang dari satu menit). Sebelum memulai cara Pasang Sitemap di Webmaster Tools Google Untuk SEO, silahkan pergi ke ( http://www.tutorblogger/2012/10/protect-artikel-blog-disable-copy-paste.html ) untuk melihat postingan artikel Tutor Blogger sebelumnya..
Baiklah, kita mulai cara Pasang Sitemap di Webmaster Tools Google Untuk SEO :
  • pergi ke
  • Isikan alamat URL blog misalnya "" Klik Add site
Pasang Sitemap di Webmaster Tools Google Untuk SEO
  • Tunggu sampai muncul tulisan "your site has been add ...." klik Verify your site
    Pasang Sitemap di Webmaster Tools Google Untuk SEO-2
  • Pilih mode Verifikasi "Add a meta tag" akan muncul meta tag kode, copy meta tag tersebut
  • Buka dashboard blog anda -->layout --> Edit HTML --> Download Full Template (untuk bakup template)
  • Cari kode <head> dan paste kode verifikasi dibawahnya dan Save
  • Kembali ke webmaster tool, klik tombol Verify dan tunggu sampai muncul pemberitahuan bahwa verifikasi blog telah sukses.
Pasang Sitemap di Webmaster Tools Google Untuk SEO

Pasang Sitemap di Webmaster Tools Google Untuk SEO
  • Saatnya untuk Pasang Sitemap di Webmaster Tools Google Untuk SEO, pada menu konfigurasi/site configuration, pilih sitemaps.
  • Klik submit a sitemap, dan masukkan url sitemap berikut ini
  • Kemudian klik submit sitemap.
  • Setelah di submit, akan ada pemberitahuan yang menyatakan bahwa pendaftaran sitemap anda telah berhasil. Namun sebelumnya akan ada proses yang ditunjukkan dengan gambar jam. Proses ini relatif, ada yang 1 jam hingga 2 hari. Proses pendaftaran yang berhasil secara keseluruhan akan ditunjukkan dengan tanda centang (check).
  • Selesai
Silahkan anda praktekan dan SEMOGA BERMANFAAT.